Friday, September 23, 2005

Rita Class

Different professors react in different ways to missing class for the most recent hurricane. I’ve heard lots of people tell me they have classes on Friday afternoons which apparently is the designated make-up class time. Not me.

Professor Evidence: We’re already behind so every Wednesday class will go 35 minutes longer (luckily the class is supposed to end at 8:25 p.m. so no one has class afterwards and no one has a valid reason not to stay until 9 every Wednesday!). But the good news is this means we’ll have no class on Halloween and no class the day before Thanksgiving, which is the last day of the semester. That’s cool. For me though I’d rather have class on Halloween than stay so much later. Apparently does not take into consideration the fact that the hurricane season has another two months left and we’ll surely miss more class for more storms.

Professor Business Associations: Mutters something about falling behind. Says we’ll probably fall even more behind for the next hurricane. No change in plans.

Professor Civ Pro II: No acknowledgement of hurricane. No discernible change in anything. I’m guessing that since she’s been teaching here for more than 50 years she’s seen a few classes get cancelled and she’s not too worried about it.

Professor Legal Research: No problem. We’re ahead already. Or something like that.


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