Friday, October 28, 2005

great news! (sort of)

No, I still don't have power. The good news is that school is back on Monday! I never thought I would be so excited to be going back to school. I'm so bored.

Unfortunately if I still don't have power this means I'll be at school for about 14 hours a day instead of the 9 hours a day I've been on campus the past couple of days and for the next two days. Still, it's almost like getting back to normal.

Now if I can only get gas and my grandparents can get power I'll feel much better about things...

From the UM web site:
The Law School will open on its regular schedule on Monday, October 31, 2005. All administrators and staff are expected to report to work on Monday. If you are unable to report to work on Monday because of a serious Hurricane related condition, please contact your immediate supervisor and explain in detail your situation. If the public and/or private schools are not open on Monday, all parents (students and staff) who are not able to make alternative arrangements for their children are welcome to bring them to School. Canterbury Preschool, Coral Gables Campus, is open. If your preschool children are not already enrolled, please call (305) 972-8273 and discuss any questions with Ms. Phyllis Bochman.
Although gas shortages are expected to ease considerably over the week-end, we encourage students and staff to consider carpooling if possible.


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