Wednesday, December 14, 2005

half done

So law school is half over. This is a good thing. I think. (But wait, then I need to get a job and I don't have one and a lot of other people I know already have one and I should have one already because...OK stop. You can't worry about this right now. Take a break for a couple of weeks)

This semester law school didn't feel like it did last year. I think a large part of it was because I never got into a rhythm thanks to the hurricanes. We missed nine days of classes, two each for Katrina and Rita and five for Wilma and at my house, we went 11 1/3 days without power! (four for Katrina, 1/3 for Rita and seven for Wilma).

If you go to another law school you might think: Wow, nine free vacation days in the middle of the semester? That's awesome. Well, not so much. Hurricanes brought a lot of anxiety around here, not to mention Saturday and Sunday night make-ups in some classes and in others, a ton more reading so we could get it done without any make-ups. It's tough to make hurricane days seems like a vacation when you sit at home all day waiting for the power to go back on. It's time off from class, but it's not relaxing by any means.

So if I do badly on my exams, I'm blaming God...


At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping that your law school liability insurance covers acts of God.


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