Thursday, December 08, 2005

Professor Bleeding Heart?

I was rifling through the big stack of handouts that Professor Civ Pro II handed out this semester. I saved all of them but rarely looked at them. I figured it would be a good idea to check them out before the final. (I know -- I come up with such great ideas!)

So it's a bunch of stuff about Class Actions and interpleaders and discovery and typical Civ Pro junk. But mixed in with all that is a column by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times in which he writes about how China is really ahead of the United States on being green (as in environmentally efficient) and how in 10 years the U.S. will be buying its green technology from China.

Huh? It seems kind out of place. Professor Civ Pro II never said a word about her politics all semester. Unlike some profs she kept her personal views completely out of the class, probably because it's tough to get overly political about joinder devices. I'm almost wondering if it was a mistake, like she grabbed the wrong classes' handouts from the copy center. If not, I can't imagine why she gave it to us...


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