Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm sorry but...

I've got nothing for you. The only things that happened even remotely noteworthy this week at the law school were that the air conditioning busted and the guys trying to fix it blew some server or something that powered the computers, so the network was down all week. And they painted the concrete blocks in the parking lot. Did they re-paint those fading one-way arrows? Sadly, no.

See, I told you nothing's happening. This blog is so boring the past couple of weeks that I'm tempted to start blogging about my job (probably a bad idea), politics (as if we need more political bloggers) or what I eat for lunch every day (fascinating, I know). Or not. Anyway, stay tuned, I guess, and check in occasionally...


At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lunch and job - ok

politics - don't do it: you don't care about my political views, and I don't care about yours

At 2:36 PM, Blogger some guy said...

Yeah ok. I'll stay away from politics. And away from my job because the last thing I need is for someone at my job to stumble upon this blog.

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should blog your bowel movements - call it a bloweg


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