Wednesday, November 01, 2006

file your complaints here

It’s that time again: Time for some complaints!

1. They released all the information we need to register for classes next semester today. The only problem is that there is no description for three of the classes I’m interested in. Does this school have any ability to force its faculty to turn in a description of classes? Seriously. How am I supposed to know what Privacy Law consists of without a description. Oh yeah, and of course I also want to know the method of evaluation. Is it too much to ask that the course description book includes course descriptions of all courses? I guess so.

2. Is it too much to ask for an e-mail when a professor cancels a class? On Monday Prof. Employment said he might cancel today’s class because he had to go out of town for a seminar on Thursday but had not yet bought his tickets. He said his assistant would send out an all-class e-mail. No e-mail yesterday. Nothing today. Show up at class and whaddaya know – a sign on the door saying class is cancelled. It’s not like this was an emergency cancellation, right? Some students have lives and would like to be able to make plans for other things (like, uh, work, for example?) so a little common courtesy would be nice. While I have spent enough time in the working world to know that common courtesy can also be missing from real life interactions, the one thing I won't miss at all once I graduate is how so many faculty assume that the entire world revolves around them and that the students are along for the ride no matter what policies or schedule changes the faculty make.


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't see any courses without descriptions in the online course list.

Also, I don't see privacy law....

At 6:54 PM, Blogger some guy said...

These courses on the alpha listing and grid but not in the course descriptions booklet:

Privacy Law
Admin Law with Lehtinen
Trusts & Estates with A. Barnes

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do people who take Lit Skills (6) credits; generally take two four credit courses or two three credit class in the same semester. What did you do?

At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They don't give a description for Privacy Law because it's meant to be kept a secret. Get it? Har Har Har

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No description for Insurance Law and Policy, or either section of Family Law.

Prof. Froomkin - I think you misunderstand what Someguy was saying: all of the courses in the online Course Description Booklet have descriptions. The problem is, not all of the courses being offered are listed in the Booklet.

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the sake of trying to make a complete list: Partnership Tax is not in the Course Description Booklet.

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:51 AM, Blogger some guy said...

I am taking Lit Skills, two 3-credit classes and one 2-credit class. Not sure what everyone else does, but for me 4-credit classes that I wanted were impossible to find.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on your for still attending classes.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI, if you want to know about Privacy Law, go to the prof's website at Marquette:

(found it by looking at the UM's faculty webpage and following the link on his page - maybe you can do that for others, too. I agree that you shouldn't have to hunt like this for a course description).

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your U. is ahead of mine. The courses I need for next semester are still listed as TBA for day/time. When I emailed one of the profs to ask her what day/time her class would take place, she wrote back, "Good question to explore!" Explore?

My cynical side wonders if some profs don't list the day/time so that their classes get cancelled and they don't have to teach.


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