still alive!
It's tempting to lie and say that I've been too busy to blog, but that would be a stretch. This is the least busy I've ever been with school -- I do the reading and go to the classes but that's it. I don't feel very engaged. And that's fine with me. I'm ready to be done with law school, which is fortunate since graduation is less than three months away. I'll miss only the lifestyle of a student -- as opposed to the 8-to-6 (or much longer, but you get the idea) lifestyle of a lawyer. I like going home in the middle of the day to take naps. I like having three-day weekends every week. I like doing as much or little work as I want, depending on what kind of mood I'm in. Yeah.
By the way, did you see the e-mail two days ago announcing that all professors (meaning, I assume, Prof. Con Law II (who was also my Prof BA) finally turned in his grades? That was two months after the last day of finals and more than two months after his last exam was given. Allegedly he got excused for personal reasons but I'm skeptical. Now don't get me wrong; I don't know the guy so maybe he really had some personal tragedy. But here's the thing: life goes on. Unless it doesn't, obviously. What I mean is that if he hadn't been spotted around campus regularly during this supposed "personal problem" well, maybe it would be excusable because he'd be so messed up by the problem that he couldn't work. But he could work. Do you think that - unless the problem is so bad you take a leave of absence - that you could just turn in work a month late in a law firm just because you have a personal problem? Um, no. People deal with personal problems and they continue to work. Then when work is over, they go deal with the problems. Again, for a real tragedy or major illness or something if you really couldn't physically or mentally do the work, then OK, you don't physically or mentally do the work and others pick up the slack. But by all accounts, this prof was here. And just not grading.
Despite that article in the student newspaper - and an SBA resolution condemning the grading policy! (yeah, I'm sure that'll spur 'em into action) - this is a huge black mark on this school. Professors are beyond lazy when they take more than two months to turn in their grades. Look, I have no doubt grading is labor intensive, but there is literally no excuse for taking this long. None (again, unless you're incapacitated by a crippling personal crisis).
Rumor (and I have no idea how reliable it is) is that his daughter or daughter in law had a baby and their were some complications. No idea how serious any of it was, but that's what I've heard, FWIW.
As always, Some Guy is right on. Rock on, Some Guy. Rock on.
Thanks, Anon.
Dave, that's terrible. If it's true, I hope everyone in his family is OK. But my point still stands: Unless you're so incapacitated that you can't physically or emotionally deal with day-to-day life, work goes on.
There is no question that this professor really messed up. That no transparency exists in regard to reasons why the grades took so long is equally annoying. I agree with you--the idea that the SBA can do much about it is dubious at best. And I was not even in his class.
The bigger problem exists, in my opinion, on the other end, when the registrar administers exams. It seems that every semester some large mishap takes place. For example, one professor's property students ran into trouble when one group of students were under the impression that their exam was thirty minutes longer than the other group of students in the other room. Another property mishap occurred when a professor supposedly gave a question that half the students had seen before in a different class. It is rarely the case when proctors don't walk in and out of exams to attend to phone calls, etc.
I agree that the delay in grading is annoying and hurts students. But grades come out, eventually. The bigger problem regarding exams in general is with the registrar and its administration of exams. As far as I can tell, no procedure exists; if it does, then it is not being implemented.
For me, the professors that turned their grades in first often seemed to be the most random (as in effort to grade relationship).
Although, a couple months is too long. Did the SBA resolution mention the grading curve at all?
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