PMBR, take 2
The three-day PMBR class starts tomorrow. So that means 200 questions tomorrow. I guess that's good. Not good as in fun, but good practice for the real thing. This will be the last time I do 200 questions in a day, that's for sure. I hope it goes better than the BarBri practice exam, although I scored a few points above the national average on that.
When we had the six-day PMBR class there were these people who were, let's see, how should I put this my friend K called them at the time and again earlier this week, "fucking savages." That's a little bit of an extreme characterization for my tastes but they were loud, fat, ugly and stupid. Not all, of course, but there were about a dozen or so Neanderthals that all sat together. Am I too mean? Eh.
There may have been more than a dozen because at one point apparently they were stomping on the floor of the room above me (I was in the live room) because they were protesting the prof's jokes or digressions or what. Incredible.
And once when I was in the video room one of these guys kept flipping off the TV monitor - and get this - he wasn't just giving the finger, as if that's not stupid enough, but he was doing that thing that 10-year-old boys do where they flip you off with both arms, you know, with one arm in the elbow of the other. Hard to describe on the blog but just picture it and you probably know what I mean.
Yeah. These people were annoying. I guess everyone is annoying everyone these days even if you're not too stressed out. Anyway, I'm not sure what law school these people went to but it must have had its own BarBri class because none of them were in the BarBri. I can't wait to see them again...
Probably Nova or St. Thomas. Wait until you have to litigate against them... They're incompetent, inept and unrelenting.
i didnt believe you at first since i didnt go to the 6 day..
but after todays fiasco, i was in 309, i must say you are 100% on the mark...
either way, that PMBR test was brutal....
brutal is an understatement. wow. i'm shell shocked. i just graded mine and i'm not happy. i'm around PMBR's national average though so it's actually not as terrible as i thought while i was doing it. basically every question on the last 100 came down to A, B, C and D. fuck.
the pmbr test is supposedly VERY brutal. averages 95. some (past students) say you should add 36 points to figure out your score. don't let it shake your confidence. that said, i'm so glad i did not do the 3 day.
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