Saturday, July 14, 2007


Day one of the review was fine, I guess. On at least four questions I actually had the right answer, but erased it and put down the wrong answer. They say to always trust your first instinct. I guess I should listen to "they," whoever "they" are. And one question, No. 15, had a stupid typo that apparently no one else noticed. It said the jury had to prove something. So of course I didn't pick that; it's not proven BY the jury, it's proven TO they jury. But the word BY was in place of the word TO. I'm sure on the actual exam they wouldn't have had the typo, or if they did, someone would eventually catch it and that question wouldn't count. So anyway, I just have to learn to trust my first instincts. But how do you do that when this stuff is so confusing and it's so easy to read a fact pattern and assume you know what it's about so you pick the answer choice with the key buzzwords, but it's wrong because the answer choice contains an If, Not and Unless.

Damn. I don't know. A week from now I'll be 18 or so hours away from leaving for Tampa. Wow.

The dean sent out an e-mail about a lecture by one of our professors on Florida Con Law. The lecture was on Thursday. I received the e-mail on Friday afternoon. That's helpful. I went to the lecture because someone else happened to mention it. As with everything this prof does and says, it could have taken 45 minutes instead of two hours but I think it was useful (I actually like this professor although a lot of people don't; he drones on and on but you know how some professors are incredibly boring and you hate them because they're so boring? Well he's boring but you don't hate him. I'm not sure why. Because he is a good prof I will refrain from commenting on one of the nutty things he was wearing during the lecture (or, more specifically, how he was wearing it and what it had on it.). By the way, there's an evidence lecture next week, just in case you still haven't received the e-mail.

I complained more than once while I was still a student about the e-mail system. (My favorite incident was when they sent out an e-mail to all students saying that outside consultants would be on campus to solicit student opinion about how to improve technology on campus. The consultants were coming on a Wednesday. I received the e-mail about this on a Thursday. It was sent out on Tuesday. Naturally, when I replied to whoever sent it and told them that I would have gone to the meeting to tell them about the e-mail system's flaws, that person just ignored it--that makes me wonder whether it's the technology that is poor here or the people who run it are incompetent--probably a little of both. They are definitely incompetent but the system also is about five years behind the times.).

Anyway, when I complained, they said nothing was wrong. And yet I still only receive a fraction of the all-student e-mails. Whatever. I don't give a shit any more because I'm graduating but if I was an administrator or admissions person at the University of Miami School of Law I would be embarrassed about how poor the technology is here. I have better things to worry about so I won't dwell on it, but it's amazing that this school's technology is so poor that it can't even figure out how to e-mail all the students.

One more point - I haven't been inside a professor's office in at least six months so I'm relying on hearsay but I heard all the profs recently were given new flat screen monitors so each professor now has TWO monitors and you can apparently drag things from one to the other. Why? It sounds like a terrific way to spend technology dollars because professors spend a lot of time doing graphic design and layout, which is the only reason I can think of that anyone would need two monitors. I'm being facetious, of course, about professors doing graphic design.


At 6:52 PM, Blogger X said...

Our professors could barely use our smart boards. There were probably two professors that had any interest in learning how to operate things. I guess it makes the students feel they're better than the professors at something.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Liney said...

I'm glad to hear the lecture was decent - I'm so tempted to skip it all, even though I've paid.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can confirm that every professor I have visited in the last 5 months now has 2 computer monitors.

By the way, instead of not getting emails, I get 10 emails a day telling me that an email has been quarantined....totally defeats the purpose

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the two monitors are to try to stop the faculty complaining all the time, as we usually get worse service than the students do (believe it or not). Now they can say they actually did something for us.

And, I have to admit, the two monitors are actually very useful: you put the statute (or case) you are writing about on one monitor, and open your wordprocessor on the the other, and you don't have to flip windows nearly so much. You can work faster.

Would I have said this is the optimal way to spend money? (Not that anyone asked us, of course.) Probably not. But it's less of a boondoggle than it looks. And faculty email is not, from what I hear, any better than the students'.

-Michael Froomkin

At 4:38 PM, Blogger some guy said...

That's an interesting explanation. Most of the world knows how to split a screen. Having said that, while I have more than a few complaints about the faculty as a whole and many individuals, one would think that you people could get competent service given that faculty are kind of important to a school, after all...

At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Some guy', did you see this email today?

"Congratulations on the successful completion of your degree. We trust that your experience at the University of Miami was a positive one and will afford you a solid base for your future achievements.

My staff in the Office of the Registrar will gladly continue to serve your records-related needs as an alumnus of the University of Miami. Upon receipt of this email, you are now eligible for a free transcript containing your final grades and degree notation along with honors you received at the time of graduation. Previous requests do not apply."

So from the approximately $100,000 my tuition cost over 3 years they're giving me a FREE transcript worth 5 bucks??? (I think they were 5 or 6 apiece anyway).

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Splitting the screen is for text and footnotes. If you have a third piece for the statute, it's all too small to be much use.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger some guy said...

I got that e-mail about the free transcript. I was stunned. I'm thinking of posting it on the blog without comment just for the hell of it. Free transcript, my ass.


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